Yes4All Doorway Hangboard Review

If you are looking to improve your wrist and finger strength, the first and foremost tool you need to invest in is a hangboard. Your priority should be looking for a training board that has a variety of holds and crevices to help you train your fingers.

The hangboard you purchase should meet the needs of your current ability level but should also offer plenty of room for growth. Hangboards take space and are not exactly cheap, hence, it’s best to do your research before you decide upon a certain model.

For beginners, a hangboard with larger and deeper holds works well. However, for intermediate and advanced climbers, preferably, the hangboard should feature more challenging holds.

The best part about a hangboard is that you can easily mount it in your garage or in your home gym. You don’t necessarily have to go to an indoor climbing gym to work those forearm, wrist and finger muscles.

In this article, we are reviewing the Yes4All Doorway hangboard based on the number of edges and pockets, texture, mounting process, and value for money.

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The Yes4All hangboard is a dupe for the classic Beastmaker 1000. However, in comparison, the number of holds with intermediate depths are not enough. Moreover, it does not offer enough progression but for the available price, it is a good option for beginners.


ProductConstruction materialNumber of holdsDimensionsWeight
Yes4All Doorway hangboardWoodWood22 x 6 inches2.5 pounds


  • Lightweight and sturdy.
  • Variety of edges and pockets.
  • Budget-friendly.
  • Easy to mount.


  • The texture is not great.
  • It does not offer enough progression.

Construction and Texture

The hangboard is constructed using wood that comes with an anti-slip coating. However, if we talk about the overall texture of the training board, it is not the best. There are several scrapes and bumps on the board, especially on the larger holds. If you are a beginner, after a few days of training you might see superficial scratches and abrasions on the skin of your fingertips.

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If you are planning to train extensively on the board, it might end up leaving slightly deeper cuts. Wood hangboards are pretty common but most of them feature a texture better than the one Yes4All Doorway hangboard offers. The texture of a hangboard is one of its most important features and with this one, manufacturers were not able to achieve the right balance between smoothness and slippiness.  

Edges and Pockets

As mentioned, the Yes4All hangboard lacks edges and pockets that provide a good progression. The easier edges the board provides is 40 mm in all finger sizes. Surprisingly, the next level is 12.5 mm and 10 mm edges. This is a big jump in the difficulty level that limits the climbers from training for incremental gains.

You can definitely use this board to develop strong fingers and wrists. However, if you don’t have a lot of know-how of how to train with a balanced progression of holds, there is a chance you will not get the results you are hoping for.

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Although the edges and pockets look similar to what the Beastmaker 1000 has to offer, they are pretty different from it in terms of depths. It offers 40 mm, 12.5 mm and 10 mm depths. Preferably, a hangboard should offer edges with 6 mm to 10 mm depth differences. In total, the board offers four sets of 4-finger pocket, three sets of 3-finger pockets, two sets of 2-finger pockets.

In addition to this, it also comes with two slopers and a warm-up jug. The jugs are not as well-rounded as other hangboards, but they work well for warm-up sessions.


The hangboard has been designed such that it can easily fit above most doors even if the ceiling is as low as 7 feet. The mounting process is relatively easy, it comes with six screws that can be used to attach the training board to the wall.

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Its compact size means you don’t have to mount it on a plyboard before attaching it to the wall, unless, that is what you prefer doing.

As far as the screw distances are concerned, they don’t line up with any sort of market standard. However, once it is fully mounted, it does not wobble.

Value for Money

The Yes4All hangboard is one of the least expensive hangboards available on the market. It is not exactly skin-friendly for longer workout sessions but if you don’t want to spend a lot of money and are ready to sand down the edges and pockets, this hangboard might work well for you. All-in-all, the value for money it provides is good.

For a little over 50 bucks, it offers an edge and pocket portfolio that takes after the Beastmaker 1000, one of the high-end hangboard models available on the market. The only issue is the progression of the holds but even if that is considered, the hangboard under discussion offers good value for money.


If you are a beginner and are looking for something that will not dent the pocket but will offer a variety of edges and pockets to train with, then this hangboard might be the one for you. Even if you are an advanced climber, you can use this hangboard. However, for best results, you might want to use it in combination with another hangboard for better progression.

It does not offer the best wooden texture, but it is not something a little sandpaper and hard work cannot solve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are wooden hangboard better than plastic hangboard?

In the longer run, there is no difference between the training options both hangboards offer. However, climbers usually opt for the wooden hangboards due to their texture.

How to mount a hangboard over the doorway?

You can either mount it directly by drilling screws or by mounting the board on a plywood platform and attaching it to the wall.

Can a hangboard be hanged for a pull-up bar?

Yes, you can hang your hangboard from a pull-up bar. For that, you need hooks similar to the ones used to hang bicycles in a garage.

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