Talon Pull-Up Strap Review

Although hang boarding is the best way to train your fingers and wrist for rock climbing and bouldering, with the gyms being restricted due to the ongoing pandemic, many rock climbers are limited to what little resources they have at home.

However, not many individuals wanting to bump up their rock-climbing game have enough space at home to dedicate to a makeshift rock-climbing gym or even to mount a hangboard.

Fortunately, there are solutions that can help you efficiently deal with the problem without having to spend a lot of money and requiring a lot of space.

Naturally, one’s mind drifts towards portable hangboards. As efficient as they are, portable hangboards are not quite challenging and cannot help you completely replace a hangboard.

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Nevertheless, the Talon Pull-up straps are a great way to train your fingers and wrist without using up a lot of space. Moreover, unlike the portable hangboards, just by changing the position of your fingers, you can increase the difficulty. In this article, we have reviewed the Talon Pull-Up Strap based on its versatility, texture, level of difficulty, and durability.

This pair of Nylon Pull-up straps by Talon is a great way to improve your finger and wrist strength. It helps you isolate the fingers as well as lets you work on them collectively. You can use it with pull-up bars or with rowing bars.


  • The product is portable and lightweight.
  • It does not require drilling for installation purposes.
  • You can use it for a variety of finger and wrist exercises.
  • The straps offer a very high value for money.


  • The material used is slightly rough and might hurt your fingers if you are not used to rough surfaces.

Construction And Texture

The Talon pull-up straps or grips are an ideal way to improve your grip, finger, and wrist strength. They have been constructed using nylon with heavy-duty sewing on all edges to prevent any tearing. The texture of the straps is not exactly the best. The nylon used is slightly rough, hence, if you are not used to working with relatively rough rock faces and hangboard, it might hurt your fingers.

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However, this only holds when you are using it with your fingertips. If you wear the straps such that they go over to the end of your fingers, they will not hurt you. Moreover, know that in this position, the straps will not challenge you more than a bar. Hence, to make sure it works as a hangboard, you will have to perform exercises with your fingertips by grouping fingers together based on the hang.

Edges And Pockets

Unlike traditional hangboards, the Talon pull-up strap does not come with edges and pockets, instead, each strap has five loops for five fingers. You can train all five fingers at a time or isolate them depending on the type of hang you are performing.

You can use the loops to isolate fingers for grip training or the extensor muscles. The straps are one of the few open hang training devices that come with a separate loop for the thumb.

Moreover, the straps provide a lot of versatility. You can wrap them around a pull-up bar for basic hangs, use them with a pull-up machine for added weight and strength training or combine it with a rowing machine. It is also ideal for static holds.

In addition to helping you develop your grip and finger strength, the straps can also be used by other athletes who are trying to train their hand and finger muscles. The straps can be easily incorporated into your daily workout routine. You can also keep them exclusive for the days when you train your arm and hand muscles.


The mounting process of the straps is not exactly complicated. All you need is a rod and you are good to go. If you already have a pull-up rod or a bar in your house, you can wrap the strap around it and start working out.

However, if you don’t have something that can endure your body weight with the straps, you might have to install a pull-up rod. Fortunately, there are many pull-up rods available on the market. They don’t take a lot of space and will not cost you a lot of money either.

This Iron Gym pull-up bar is a low-cost alternative to the more expensive pull-up bars available on the market. It has a small footprint and will not take much space either. In addition to this, you can use it with the Talon straps as well as other portable hangboards available on the market.   

Value For Money

The Talon Pull-up straps are a versatile piece of equipment that provides rock climbers with a good alternative to the more expensive hangboards on the market. The straps are pretty durable and sturdy. Moreover, the mounting process is not exactly complicated, which means if you travel a lot, you can easily take them along on your trips for quick workout sessions. These straps are also a good way to warm up your hands and fingers before a rock-climbing session.


All in all, the Talon Pull-Up straps are a good buy. They provide high value for money and are pretty versatile when it comes to performing exercises with them. You can use them to isolate different fingers and muscles groups in your arms and hands. Hence, if you are looking for something that will not put a dent in your pocket but will help you improve your wrist and finger strength, then the Talon straps are a good option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pull-up straps good for developing wrist and finger strength?

Yes, they are foundational strength movement training equipment that helps you make your way to more difficult hangs.

How often should I train my fingers?

On average, you should train your fingers thrice a week. Too much is not better.

Are assisted pull-ups beneficial?

Assisted pull-ups help in building strength and perfecting your posture. Although they might not help in strength building as much as regular pull-ups do, they are ideal for beginners.

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