climbing, rock climbing, overhang


This is How You Can Get Popeye Forearms

The topic might seem slightly controversial since the last thing most climbers want is to get bigger. The bigger you are, even if it’s muscle mass, the more you weigh and that adversely affects your climbing. However, despite that climbers…
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How Can I Train For Rock Climbing at Home?

As a climber, the foremost important thing to build endurance and strength is consistency. However, with the coronavirus pandemic-induced lockdown, gyms around the world have closed down and most climbers don’t know how to maintain the gains they have worked…
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How Do I Mount a Hangboard?

As a beginner or intermediate climber, if you believe that your finger and grip strength is not enough, hangboarding is the best supplemental exercise you can opt for. However, before starting, you have to understand that even though hangboard training…
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What is a Hangboard?

Climbing, whether it is at an indoor rock gym or on real rock faces outdoors, requires you to fire up a lot of different muscles from your forearm to your feet. Even though rock climbing is considered a technical and…
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